School Activities
Considering the importance of cocurricular and extra-curricular activities in enhancing the social and intellectual skills all students are given multiple opportunities to participate in the activities organized and arranged during the course of each academic year.
Co-curricular activities:
Refer to those activities which complement learning experience of the students in the schools. They are done inside the classroom. These activities are connected with academic and are organized or designed to help the students have a better understanding of her course.
Benefits of Co-curricular Activities
Enhanced school engagement and sense of belonging.
- Positive youth development / lifeskills.
- Healthier behaviours.
- Post high school positive results.
- Developing better citizens.
- School and community benefits.
Extra-Curriculum Activities:
refer to those activities which are totally outside the realm of normal curriculum, but are essential for the all-round development of the students. They are done outside the classroom and some are done outside the school.
Benefits of Extra-Curricular Activities:
- Expanding and diversifying interests.
- Learning time management and prioritizing.
- Learning about long-term commitments.
- Building self-esteem.
- Building friendships and teamwork skills.
- Creating Safer, Happier Children.
- Promoting Healthy Hobbies.
- Encouraging a Brighter Future.
- Improving Life and Social Skills.
Activities include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
Debate - Drama - Sports - games - School journalism - Reading – Robotics - Basketball Karate - Art - Swimming - Talent Show - Spelling Bee - Ted Talk - Sports Day - International Day - National Day - Arabic Day - Science Fair - Math Competition ---- and more
School Trips:
Two trips are conducted during each Quarter for all students. Parents will receive a Trip Permission slip to sign prior to the trip. Verbal permission is not accepted. Please note: If a student does not return the signed permission slip with the parents’ approval prior to the trip day, the student will remain at schools under supervision.